Saturday, May 7, 2011

Out with Old, In with the New!!

So, I accomplished a milestone in my life, purchasing my first car.  I'm not gonna lie, I have had my very own new car before and it was fantastic!!  Although, the big difference is, I didn't buy it, I didn't even pay a penny for it!!  It was courtesy of Mom and Dad.  Did I appreciate it?  Probably not much as I should have.  Am I forever grateful?  Yes!!  And I must say, I used and abused that car, to the tune of 162,987 miles worth in just shy of 8 years!!  This is the last picture and only picture I have on me right now, and it's not even a very good one.  This picture is circa 2008, I'm guessing.  She's the white Honda coupe in the garage.

I must say, that although I have been in need of a new car, car shopping hasn't been at the top of my list.  And for good reason, cars are expensive!!  I liken car shopping to my experience in Vegas!!

Something exciting, and supposed to be fun, but absolutely willing to take you for all you have!! So many choices, flashy lights, pretty buttons, glitz and glamour, just waiting for you to get sucked in!! And then you come home, wondering what happened?  How in the world was it so easy to spend that cash??

One simple answer, the flashy lights and pretty buttons are hard to resist!!

Yes, I did just compare my first trip to Vegas to buying my new car.  It's spontaneous, exciting, terrifying, and fun all at the same time.  I must say, Vegas was much cheaper, I didn't walk away with years of monthly payments!!  I am pretty sure when I drove off the lot, I heard the same sound of slot machines paying out a nice sum of money.  Except I was the one feeding the machine, and the dealership was the person next to me who put in a single quarter and hit the jackpot. 

But I definitely walked out of it with the same feeling.  How much did I spend?  Did I spend too much?  Was it worth it?  And the answer in both cases is yes, absolutely worth it!  Why?  Because I did them all on my own!!  And of course, in both cases played on the safe side.  Since my car was so good to me the first time, I had no choice but to go for another Honda Civic.  This time it's 4 doors, with a little more glitz and glamour.  Not to mention, with this phrase in mind "miles per gallon"!!! 

So here's to my first car!!  She was wonderful, she never let me down, and I am sad to see her go.  Thanks Mom and Dad for giving me such a great first car!!  You always know best, and I hope this new one will be just as wonderful.   

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